Damascus steel knives have long been considered ideal hunting knives. Originating from near eastern civilizations, these knives were manufactured to be resilient and tough. Each Damascus knife is hand forged using premium materials - ensuring each knife is a unique piece of art. However, the blade is the most prominent feature of these knives, as they are very sharp and highlight distinct and intricate patterns.
Additionally, Damascus steel knives are very expansive and highly versatile. These knives come in many different forms - fixed blades, bowies, swords, kukris, pocket knives, etc. The fixed blade Damascus knives emphasize functionality and are great for a variety of tasks, including skinning game, chopping wood, slicing fruit, cutting rope, and much more. The Damascus pocket knives are capable of performing similar tasks, with the increased emphasis on portability and maneuverability. Damascus knives also incorporate a variety of premium materials, such as - stag, micarta wood, bone, ram horn, walnut, tiger leather, etc.